Monday, April 14, 2014

DevNation Day One

I'm in San Francisco for Red Hat's new developer conference, DevNation  It was a great foggy San Francisco morning and then a beautiful day for the first day of the conference.

I caught several good presentations.  Neal Ford's talk was up first, and he was as insightful as usual.  I've seen Neal speak many times.  Any talk that begins with the "poetry of Donald Rumsfeld" is going to get my attention.  Known unknowns...

Scott Cranton presented Camel recipes from his recent book, Apache Camel Cookbook  There is some really useful stuff in the book.  I have already ordered it from Amazon.

They middleware keynote was great  Burr Sutter led a team through "Bare metal to BPM" deploying Openshift on a bunch of old laptops (using OpenStack) and pushing Tweets through a jBPM process.

Can't wait for day two

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